Gay Pride in Montpellier - Marche des fiertés

 This year, Montpellier is reaffirming its vocation as a territory where everyone is free to be themselves by celebrating two special anniversaries.

What is Pride?

The Montpellier Pride is a large, festive and unifying gathering. This year, Montpellier is reaffirming its role as a place where everyone is free to be themselves by celebrating two special anniversaries.

It's the anniversary of the first gay wedding and the anniversary of the first Gay Pride march in Montpellier, one of the oldest and most famous festivals in France. As in previous editions, this Gay Pride is once again seeking to raise awareness among politicians and the general public of the inequalities and suffering experienced by homosexual and transsexual people.

Around fifteen floats set off from the Promenade du Peyrou. Showcases and DJ sets follow one another to create a festive and fiery atmosphere in the city to the sound of electronic music! For the occasion, the Tourist Office will be flying the colours of the rainbow flag and giving away goodies so you can join in the fun!

Click here for the 2024 programme:

Montpellier first gay-friendly city in France?

France is often cited as one of the most welcoming countries in the world for gay people. Montpellier has long been regarded as a gay-friendly city, a great place to live for the LGBT community. Among other things, France's first gay wedding was celebrated in Montpellier. Thanks to this acceptance, Montpellier has a long-standing and well-established LGBT presence, with numerous gay beaches, bars, saunas and organisations, as well as one of France's most popular Gay Pride events, held every July.

The first same-sex marriage in France was celebrated in Montpelier on 29 May 2013, under the law enacted 10 days earlier by President François Hollande.

History of Gay Pride

On the night of 27-28 June 1969, a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people rebelled against police forces who had come to raid the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York's Christopher Street. The fight between the riot police and those present raged for several days. The riots have since been seen as a major milestone in the fight for equal rights for heterosexual, bisexual, gay, transgender and cisgender people.

On Saturday 27 June 1970, the world's first Pride took place in Chicago, followed by another in San Francisco. Mass rallies were held the following day in New York (under the name Christopher Street Liberation Day) and Los Angeles.

In Europe, the first march took place on 29 April 1972 in Münster, Germany, with around 200 participants. In France, a visible LGBTQ+ movement emerged in 1971 with the creation of the FHAR (Front Révolutionnaire Homosexuel). In May, activists were invited to a trade union march. This was to be the first stage of the gay pride parade.

On 25 June 1977, the first independent gay demonstration was organised in Paris. On 4 April 1981, 10,000 people marched as presidential candidate François Mitterrand pledged to decriminalise homosexuality. If elected, President François Mitterrand would fulfil this commitment the following year. Since then, gay pride marches have been held in most major French cities every June.

See you soon,

The Accent Français team!